Postgraduate studies

The education, the most dangerous weapon to change the world 

I don´t know what to do with my studies in the future. Just will like it study something related with the pedagogy. My aspirations are drawn on this way, the street of instruction, the classrooms and the young people. In that sense, I will found courses about the education in Chile, comparatives models and anything that complicate the abilities on this area.
The postgraduate studies about how to change the curricular educational and didactic styles I think, are the way to take for my future. Introduce myself in that topic is so important for a better exercise of the pedagogy; it’s something different comparing with the traditional teachers, who don´t study something else. It’s a plus in my life, helping me to do things different, leave the poor involve in the present.
For me, it’s a big step study something more, without falling in the apathy which some people felt, leaving the education with its innumerable problems. The neo-liberalism, with all the consequences that situation implies, it should be replaced; the individualism, the competition, the low foster to a sense of belong to the community, all the situations which have been overshadowed, hindering the social change are real problems, that taking more working equipment, the society can change.
In that way, I do pretend based my studies, searching a better education and be more capable in the classroom.


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