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The situation of Migrant

One of the most important issues in the world in the actually, say about the migration. Many people around the world have had problems in their living places, because of wars, political and economic collapse, tyrants that bring dark to zones with vulnerable persons, and many other reasons. These situations force to the people to leave his land, his families and thousands lost their belongings. This situation, added to the fascist politic, has been produced a lot of desolation and anguish.

In the last time, the countries without that problems, has refused the community support, questioning the resolutions of agencies like the ONU for the respect to the human rights. This entire topic has been used by the far right in countries like United Stated, Italy, Chile, some countries of occidental Europe, and others, whom having a better economic opportunities, greater availability at work, better living conditions, less crime, etcetera.

The migrant caravans, the Trump’s wall, the increase of ejectors countries and the little sensibility in the public opinion are the main symptoms of a sick society. UNICEF should be said that the migrant problems is awful and they feel so powerless and ashamed by this situation, because one of the most affected are the children, whom are the most defenseless. Many times, some children even lost their parents. The higher contradiction of all this, is that the European countries was maybe the first migrants in the world. It’s not necessary move away in the history, the First and Second World War has been instances where the people, devastated by conflicts in their countries, needs the assistance of South American countries like zones to shelter, removing the sense to the fascist fight in the world.

Unfortunately, with the intolerance, the political and social rights are being hit, and individual rights and democratic freedoms are being trampled underfoot.  


  1. I don't can leave to think in the children that were confined in EE.UU in little jails without their parents just for be a "migrant". It's so sad, the far right is a bullshit!


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