My favorite TV Serie

My favorite TV Series

The connection with TV series and movies come from my childhood, was an escape to the reality, keep the world away from me, and that was so gratifying in my life. Always, I was a depressed guy, with socialization troubles, and being back to screen meant be secure. I like it so much watch the TV, movies and TV series, it’s like be in other worlds, another realities, sometimes darker, sometimes happier, but always experiencing a change in the routine.

If I need said what is my favorite TV series, my answer would be Breaking Bad or Dr. House, maybe Merlí, like the most recent TV drama. I don’t know, this three option bring me many things to my life, lessons and painful moments. Breaking Bad for example, bring me infinite entertainment with the different scenes where attracted my attention all the time. The Walter White’s evolution teach me about the fragility of the human nature, the potential changes in the life of a normal guy, the dark world of the drug and how all of the good ant the bad is associated.

Dr. House brings me the discussion about the morality, between the life and the death. The plot in this TV series talked about choices. Gregory and his staff of doctors, always arguing about what to do with some patients, the direct style of Gregory House conflicted with his staff and their modes of proceed in the medical intervention, generating a change of direction in the story. Sometimes the esthetic of Dr. House was very boring for some people, but for me, was perfect, the proposal was right moment, without overstated.

About Merlí, I think that is the best TV Series seen by me, mainly by the thematic about critical education, and how in the classroom take place many events, with a velocity in the plot never seen for me.  


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