My Future Job

My Future Job (5th Post)

It’s very difficult for me thinks about my future. The different ways to take for my life has an emotional component who complicate the answer, because I consider to me a fragmented guy, between two options: keep going with my actual career, psychology, or change the course to the pedagogy, be a teacher.

In the first option, I imagine working on a school, studying and take action on the coexistence of the classmate, between students and the teachers, trouble with the authority, without fall in the authoritarianism, fight against the racism and xenophobia and the problems of violence in general. This option don’t keep away of the second option, but its good separate both dreams, because mean different studies.

My second option is study pedagogy in History. This dream born from my political intentions, with the idea that the education changes the world and all the people inside. I hope finish this actual career, work some years, and study that career. I imagine practice like teacher, with the different knowledge of both careers, mix the didactic with the understanding about how works the young dynamics, the stereotypes, the leadership, and the whole of the school’s space, like a complex space, in continuous conflict.

I hope accomplish with my dreams, and end up work on a school, with the children and young people, with the hope of the world. 


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